

Tinyfilemanager是一个简单,快速和小型的文件管理器,具有单个php文件。它也是一个Web代码编辑器(小石认为它更像一个安全的webshell)。它可以在Linux,Windows或Mac平台上在线或本地运行。唯一的要求是提供**PHP 5.5+**。


  • 💿 Open Source, light and extremely simple
  • 📱 Mobile friendly view for touch devices
  • ℹ️ Basic features likes Create, Delete, Modify, View, Quick Preview, Download, Copy and Move files
  • ⏫ Ajax Upload, Ability to drag & drop, upload from URL, multiple files upload with file extensions filter
  • 📁 Ability to create folders and files
  • 🎁 Ability to compress, extract files (zip, tar)
  • 😎 Support user permissions - based on session and each user root folder mapping
  • 💾 Copy direct file URL
  • ✏️ Cloud9 IDE - Syntax highlighting for over 150+ languages, Over 35+ themes with your favorite programming style
  • 📄 Google/Microsoft doc viewer helps you preview PDF/DOC/XLS/PPT/etc. 25 MB can be previewed with the Google Drive viewer
  • ⚡ Backup files and IP blacklist and whitelist
  • 🔎 Search - Search and filter files using datatable js
  • 📁 Exclude folders and files from listing
  • 🌐 Multi-language(20+) support and for translations translation.json is file required
  • :bangbang: lots more…


  * PHP 5.5.0或更高版本。
  * 用于zip和解压缩操作的<a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php" rel="nofollow">Zip扩展</a>。
  * 强烈建议使用Fileinfo,iconv和mbstring扩展名。



只需将 tinyfilemanager.php 复制到您的网站空间 - 这就是全部:)您还可以将文件名从 tinyfilemanager.php 更改为其他内容。

默认用户名/密码:admin/admin@123 (管理员)user/12345(游客)

警告:请 $auth_users 在使用前设置您自己的用户名和密码。密码是用加密的 password_hash() 。在这里生成新的密码哈希

启用/禁用身份验证设置 $use_authtruefalse

